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Daryl Gichui

Writer's picture: Joey O'KellyJoey O'Kelly

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

Photo by Joey O'Kelly

Name: Daryl Gichui

Age: 20

Hometown: Liberty, MO

Current Town: Liberty, MO

College/Major: Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T), Environmental Engineering

Interests/Activities: Solar House Design Team President

What does being Black mean to you?

“To me, it's no different than being any other human being. I still live the very same way any other person with my lifestyle and from my neighborhood would, but I live this way with the understanding that my skin makes it very easy for people to make assumptions about me. Depending on the person, those assumptions can be positive or negative, and it can tend to be negative.”

If you don’t mind sharing, what was your earliest experience with racism?

“First, I want to say there's a difference between racism and prejudice. I feel like a lot of things we label racist stem from prejudice, not pure hatred of someone due to how they look. That being said, there were probably a lot of situations that happened when I was younger but I was just too naive to realize them at the time, so it never left any lasting impression. There was a time I went to Zona Rosa [a local outdoor shopping center] with my dad to get new running shoes as a freshman in high school. We were walking out, and a group of 4-5 teenagers in the parking lot were hanging around a truck. Some of them were staring at us coming out. We got in our car, and it was since it was Summer, we had our windows open. As we were pulling out, a few of the teens hopped in the back of the truck, the rest climbed into the car, and they started skrtting out of the parking lot. As they were driving away, a few of them shout ‘f*** you n*****s’ and were laughing. Even then, at least for here, those experiences are pretty few and far inbetween. I feel like I’ve been called the f-word more often than not, because of running with the cross-country team. People will just drive right by us and call us the f-word. That’s happened more times. I feel like it just depends on the area. You might experience different levels and different types.”

What do you want non-black POC and white allies to know right now?

“I myself, nor any other person, can speak for the experience of ALL Black people. We are not all the same. However, there are still a few key features of our society that we collectively experience and can relate to culturally, just like any other culture would. It's important that we have open conversations about race, assumptions, and prejudice with people in our circles that do and don't look like us without judgment or ‘canceling’ one another. Regardless of your skin color, we are all learning how to navigate these new spaces right now, and will continue to.”

Want to share a story about race, racism, colorism, prejudice, etc.?

“I want to talk about colorism and global anti-Blackness. It’s not really a story, it’s just my thoughts on it. That’s what I meant earlier with the whole ‘regardless of your skin color, we’re all learning how to navigate these spaces.’ Yeah, there are issues with racism here in America, but it goes deeper than just being a problem here or a problem just because of colonizers. Colorism is the idea that lighter-shade people of whatever race tend to be more desirable than darker-toned people. That’s something that’s prevalent in all cultures. I’d assume it’s because of colonialism ideas of it being more preferred to be a lighter-shade, because you’re more accepted. There are so many levels to it because, even then, it goes the other way too. People will prefer a Black guy and oversexualize a Black guy, the darker they are. But if a woman is that dark, it’s like ‘oh no, that’s undesirable, I don’t want that.’ Colorism goes deep and affects a lot more things than you might realize. It plays into prejudice a lot, so don’t just think it’s an American problem. Saying you love Black people or having that one Black girl-friend in your group who you always say ‘oh you’re so beautiful,’ to, that doesn’t help. Obviously you understand that they are living a different life than you are. They know they’re beautiful! They just want to actually feel that way and feel presentable to other people.”

Have you had any experiences with systemic racism (in school, work, etc.)?

“Systemic racism is a difficult and multi-layered idea but the short answer is yes. However, I feel like, for the most part, a lot of issues with systemic racism haven’t really affected me. I don’t come from an impoverished neighborhood, and my parents have access to jobs. If anything, it’s more the fact that they’re African and have an accent that’s been a caveat than their skin color. I feel like I haven’t experienced a lot of what we understand systemic racism to be. That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were things that I just didn’t know about that had happened in the past. Maybe I’ve applied to places and never heard anything back because they didn’t want to hire me because... well, it could have just been because I wasn’t qualified, but you never know. I wanted to also talk about being an engineer. I remember, there was a statistic about how Black people are going to college at higher rates than ever before, but they’re still not making huge impacts in the economy, post-college. Per capita, our incomes are not going up proportional to the rate that we’re going to college. They were saying it’s because a lot of us don’t pursue careers that are going to make us money. We’ll pursue something related to the arts or we’ll do a passion project or something. It’s not necessarily because Black people don’t want to do those things - again, I can’t speak for all Black people. It’s not that they don’t want to pursue being a doctor or being a lawyer, it’s that, for a good amount of them, just making it to college was a huge step. Some are one of, if not the only, person in their family to do that in recent times. A lot of times, just being there and making it, and because we’re sold the idea of ‘if you go to college, you’ll be fine. You’ll get a job and have a family, etc.,’ there isn’t a lot of planning after that. There’s a lot of kids, even now, especially at S&T [Missouri University of Science and Technology], whose parents are engineers and their grandparents are engineers. And even the Black kids at S&T now are like ‘oh yeah, my uncle’s an engineer!’ The standard has been set so it makes it easier to consider that an option for them. That’s another idea of systemic racism. It’s the fact that there’s people who have been denied being allowed in spaces in the past, so it’s hard to feel comfortable being in those spaces, even when there aren’t as many roadblocks in the way.”

Are there any other identities you identify with that you’re okay with sharing (gender-identity, religion, sexual orientation, immigrant, etc.)? Do any of these affect your experience as a BIPOC?

“I identify as a straight male, so from the get-go I'm fairly privileged. You could tally up pros and cons whichever way you like by factoring in my skin color, but even then I'm still a very privileged, suburban-bred, two-parent household, only child. It's important that I acknowledge that. I feel like you can gather a lot from my experiences just by knowing that.”

How does coming from an immigrant family affect your life?

“It affects a lot about how I see the world. My ideas. My opinions. The focus of my conversations. My goals. My lifestyle. Everything. I love it.”

People tend to have their ideas of what Africa is like, so what do you want to tell Americans about Africa?

“I talk about Nigeria a lot, because I didn’t really know how big of a global output it has on the world, but there’s parts of Nigeria that are richer than most of America. It’s insane how much progress they’ve made. Now, I still have to say that there’s a lot of corruption in African governments, no matter what country. I’d say that’s more of a symptom of lack of leadership, rather than it being all ‘oh, Africans are just greedy.’ It would happen in any government. The British left in the 1900s and then just didn’t give them anything. They’re just now getting started, and they’re doing it while everyone else is already modernized. Now, my dad had to explain this to me, but in the whole idea of Black Panther and the country of Wakanda, Wakanda represents what Africa could have been without colonization. It has the richest resources of anywhere in the whole world. Had they gotten to progress like any other nation did, and really develop, who knows, it could have been reversed. We could have been enslaving white people forever. They could have been such a dominant culture and such a dominant force in the world. I watched a video the other day about why African societies weren’t accelerating at the same pace as European or Asian societies, and now it mostly has to do with climate and where they’re positioned on the planet; that’s what the video essayist was arguing. He was saying because those countries existed in the Northern Hemisphere, and they were only ever moving east and west large distances, there isn’t a lot of climate difference when you’re moving east and west. It’s easier to maintain whatever you’re building or whatever you’re doing, and to travel in between. That’s why the Silk Road goes east and west rather than north and south. They were able to do farming, and farming brings more people, more people brings a stable society, stable society makes new things, new things lead to more people, more people lead to more food, and so on. In Africa, it’s built more vertically. There’s the huge Sahara Desert up above, so obviously you’re not going to do anything with that. There’s huge climate differences when you go north and south, so they weren’t able to develop huge farming societies, other than ones that existed near rivers. There wasn’t much need for it because, since their societies were so small, they only had to feed so few people. They stuck to hunter-gathering societies, which were effective, so there was no need to change. There was nothing that required them to have to figure that out. The argument about boating, and how important it was for society, but who’s boating in Africa? They’re surrounded by the two biggest oceans in the world and a desert. They’re not going to figure out to start using boats all of a sudden, except for Egypt and whatever’s north of Africa. That’s probably why European societies figured that out a little bit quicker. They have the Mediterranean Sea, which was a stable sea and there wasn’t a lot of wind."

Are there any issues you face as a black man in the STEM field?

“While the stereotype is that there are a lot of ‘yeehaw’ type people in Rolla [Missouri], it's also a lowkey diverse area. There are so many international students living there now and that have come in the past and established lives and communities in the Rolla area, that the public is kind of diverse. To that point, professors, I think, are kind of used to seeing different types of kids in their class, so I've never felt judged or odd being there, because I'm rarely the most interesting looking/sounding person in the room. That being said, just because there is diversity doesn't mean that there aren't still race issues or prejudice. Rolla's an old-ass place.”

How does it feel to be in predominantly white spaces?

“For me, to be honest, very normal. I've always just happened to be involved in activities and do things that historically were primarily white (Cross Country, Newspaper, club soccer, school in general), and I feel lucky that people have never made me feel uncomfortable or unwelcome for being in primarily white spaces. I can't say that's the case for other POC.

I had a conversation with somebody about this a few years ago. It was about how there were times where I had to remind myself that I’m Black, especially when I was running with the cross-country guys. Because really, all I see is a bunch of white people all the time. Most of my friends that I’m around all the time, I don’t see them any differently than me. I’m not saying I have to actually remind myself that I’m Black, I know I’m Black, it’s just the idea that there’s a difference between us. Not to say that I can’t associate with them, just to say that there’s a difference in the way we live and the way we’re seen. I’m used to being in those spaces that are predominantly white. Cross-country is a hella white sport.

I think part of the reason it’s hard for Black people to feel comfortable in predominantly white spaces is that it doesn’t feel like there’s room for them in the first place. Think about at Liberty [High School]. Every passing period, who’s at the center of the school [atrium in the middle of the high school]? For a lot of the Black kids at our school, it means a lot to them just to be around people that are like them and understand them. It’s not to say they’re going towards people that look like them, it’s going towards people who live like them and understand them. A lot of times, in white spaces, there isn’t a lot of room for understanding. For some Black people, it’s like ‘why perpetuate that white space in the first place? Just avoid it and create your own space.’ That’s what Black people have been doing. Where there's comfort, there is a community, and where there's a community, there's consistency."

There is this ongoing fetishization of Black men, specifically people wanting to have children who are “athletes,” and dating Black men to get them. Can you talk about that problem?

“There’s definitely a fetishization of having Black and mixed-race children, and I feel like Hollywood perpetuates that the most. It’s why Black twitter is quick to cancel any Black star who marries a white person, just because they’re like ‘you made all this success, you got so close, but right at the end, you were like ‘nah, forget you guys.’’ I can’t speak on it just because I haven’t had much experience with it. I’ve never been in a relationship, I haven’t had a lot of experience with it. I’m going to have to continue to be careful with how I move forward in the dating scene, eventually. There are going to be people out there that are looking at me objectively, thinking ‘oh I’ve never been with a Black guy before.’ Same way that some white people be like ‘oh I’ve never been with a Black girl before.’ It does happen, it does exist.”

On the note of Black athletes, how does the stereotype of Black people being athletes affect you as a Black athlete?

“If you were to see me pull up on race day with my shaved head and in a race onesie like anybody else, I feel like people would see me and be like ‘oh, he’s probably going to be fast,’ or ‘he’s probably African, he’s probably going to dominate.’ I’ve never had anyone actually say ‘oh, you must be fast’ or anything like that.”

Let’s talk about “the whitest Black guy I know?” Break down that phrase.

“It's a phrase that I didn't used to see as a problem. For me, especially as a kid, whatever quality about me made it easier for people to like me, I maintained. But knowing what I know now, the phrase is extremely problematic because the assumption is that the way I talk, walk, and carry myself is inherently "not Black" and reinforces the idea that Black people are unruly and don't belong in ‘regular’ society. It puts Black people into this box of being separate from other people, doesn't allow us to truly express ourselves, and denies that we all have different experiences. It's messed up. That being said, of course Black and POC do code-switch in order to maneuver in everyday situations, but to assume that someone is less than because of how they conduct themselves compared to somebody else is an issue.”

You and I recently had a conversation about people being racist while still looking up to people of color. For example, someone being racist while loving Travis Scott. What are your thoughts on this?

“This sounds weird, but I think it's a step in the right direction. I think for a lot of people to care, they need to be exposed to people affected by the problem to be anywhere close to understanding it, because then they humanize the person rather than objectifying them based on a group. A person who is against what happened to George Floyd was affected by his murder because they saw a person, helplessly getting choked to death. But to a person who only understands and has seen countless Black men being killed by cops and doesn’t understand nuances of police brutality or the circumstances that may have led George to end up there or live the life he lived prior to his death, what is there to humanize? It's just another day of the news. ‘White guys get killed by cops too’ is something I'm sure they would say.

I was talking to my roommate recently because of the Juice WRLD release. Whenever he (Juice WRLD) passed away, I had woken up around noon like I usually do on a Sunday, but my roommate had been up for like 4 hours. I think one of his friends called him, so he got on a group call with about six of his friends at 8:00 in the morning, and they all were teary-eyed and sad. When I got out of bed, I saw him just sitting in a chair with a blanket on his head and his headphones on. He was just looking at his screen and looked up at me and said ‘Juice WRLD died, bro.’ I said ‘wait, what?’ And he said ‘yeah’ and was so sad.

I feel like that’s not the first step, but I think it’s a good thing. It’s not to say that just because he’s Black, it’s harder for other people to associate with him, feel bad for him, or want to mourn him. Regardless of his skin color, people would care because of what he did and what he meant to people. There’s a lot of people growing up now that have Black people as their idols. In so many outlets music, tv, movies, sports, etc., they’re dominating. You have Black people to look up to. I feel like that means a lot, and it has some effect on people’s public opinion of what’s going on now. Especially, in the near future, I feel like it’s showing that people are humanizing this thing rather than basing it just on skin color.”

What are you passionate about?

“I've been really big on health the past couple of years and especially recently since I literally never go outside. I feel like I'm really lucky to have grown up in an African household with my mom's cooking, and I've always managed to fit healthy eating into my life. I'm starting to be more holistic about it: getting better sleep, doing yoga, drinking water, practicing mindfulness, limiting screen time, etc.; all the cliche ‘wellness’ things influencers brag about all the time. Now, will I likely drop a lot of these habits once my life gets busier? Of course! But I feel like I'm at least one step closer to really incorporating these things into my everyday life.

I feel really lucky because, for the most part, I have no genetic issues. There’s no coronary heart disease in my family, that I’ve heard of, for example. I’m very fortunate to already be very healthy from the start, so why not keep that up? And, not to rub it in my parents’ face, but they’re not the most health-minded people. A lot of times, I think that they think like ‘oh, I’m African, I’m invincible!’ They don’t really focus on it. It’s not a priority. We come from two different walks of life, so I can understand. I don’t know how much money I’ll make when I’m older, I don’t know what living conditions I’ll have, I don’t know what I can offer my kid whenever I’m older and have a kid, but at least, from the get-go, they can know that they came from someone who is relatively healthy. That’s a nice security to have.”

What inspires you?

“That's a really hard question, but I guess I'd say my friends and those close to me; including you! Being an only child, I enjoy being around other people. There are so many people in my circles that I can think of and do things that I can't. It really surprises and amazes me. I feel lucky that I can be a part of their lives and their story.”

Who do you look up to?

“Anybody really. I really respect and aspire to be like people who live honestly and are okay with expressing their real selves. I'll always be trying to get better at that.”

-If you have something you want to promote (your art, music, business, etc.) do it here!

“I make playlists every month on Spotify and Apple Music. Nothing special, just stuff I’ve been listening to and want to share.”

Here are some organizations Daryl would like to promote!

“Check out to learn about mass incarceration and poverty, and possibly donate

I will say, even if you don’t donate to charities, at least do some reading. You don’t have to buy a book or whatever, but do some reading and find out about what these issues stem from. A lot of these issues are social issues. Yes, it’s affecting Black people, but they’re not the only people being affected. A lot of police brutality, a lot of impoverished neighborhoods, a lot of these issues affect white people more because they’re the more dominant race. I don’t know how else to argue for people to care or to think about it. I think it’s just the American idea that if somebody is struggling or is not doing well in our society, it’s their fault, rather than it being the system's fault. That idea is perpetuated in a lot of things, to the point where we separate ourselves from somebody else if they’re not doing as well as us. I feel like that’s what the bigger issue is, rather than it being just race and just Black people being affected by these systemic issues.”

Here are 20 of Daryl's favorite songs!

“I’m really looking forward to Jorja Smith’s album, which I think comes out this year. I just found out about her, but apparently Drake has some beef with her because he was really into her, and she ghosted him. I feel like that happens to him all the time. But yeah, she’s an R&B person from the U.K. I was talking to a friend the other day, and we both agreed that R&B and soul in the U.K. is, I don’t want to say LEAGUES better, but is distinctly better than the U.S. It feels more fun, it feels more real. I mean, Adele, bro. I vibe with the U.K.”

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